Interested in Joining?
If you're interested in joining, please read the information below, complete the online Registration Form we will get in contact with details about your age-group etc.
No Commitment Trial!
We offer a four week trial period for new members by the end of which you can decide whether to become a fully paid-up member. We appreciate it’s not always easy to commit to a four week period in one go, particularly for younger children, and so we give you up to six weeks to take the four trial sessions in.
You are very welcome to come along any Saturday (or evening - see below) for the trial sessions or just to watch.
When to Come
Information will be released soon on timings.
What to Bring
For any training session, please ensure that your son/daughter brings shin pads (otherwise he/she will not be able to take part), football boots and a drink of water and he/she wears clothing suitable for training in and which is appropriate to the weather.
If you don't have shin pads and/or boots, we usually are able to loan you some.
When You Arrive
If your son/daughter has been invited to take part in a session, please pop into the Clubhouse a little before their training time and someone will introduce you to the relevant managers and/or coaches. There is no fee for the trial sessions, but we will ask you to complete the Registration form so that your son/daughter is covered under our insurance policy. Please complete this before you come along to the first trial session.
For your second and subsequent trial sessions, please sign in at the Clubhouse before going to find your team and manager.
Bad Weather
If it has been exceptionally rainy or cold, you might want to check the website before you leave home so you don't have a wasted journey. It is sometimes necessary to cancel training on a Saturday morning at short notice, due to waterlogged or frozen pitches, and we endeavour to put a notice on the website to this effect as early as possible.
How Much Does Membership Cost?
The Fees page enclosed shows the current fees payable. Please note that sometimes it may be necessary for these to be altered, but we will let you know if that is likely to happen.
There is no additional charge for attending training.
There is no charge for the match day kit provided when your son/daughter starts playing in matches.
Membership fees may be paid by cash, cheque, bank transfer, standing order (over 4 months), PayPal or credit/debit card.
Match fees should be paid direct to your team’s Manager in cash on home match days.