How to Pay Registration Fees
Registration (Membership) fees must be paid in full at the start of the season or within 4 weeks of joining the Club (if a new member), unless you have made arrangements to pay over a four month instalment plan.
If you are worried or concerned about your ability to pay registration fees, please contact FYFC's Treasurer to discuss in complete confidence.
Fees should be paid via the LoveAdmin Membership system. By exception Fees may also be paid by cash, cheque, bank transfer, standing order (over 4 months), PayPal or credit/debit card. Please contact the Club to make these alternative arrangements.
The LoveAdmin Membership system will ask you to set up a Direct Debit, but this is only to take the single payment for Membership - it does not mean that a regular payment will be taken from your account. This is the default and preferred method of payment for Fees.
LoveAdmin (default)
Please bring cash payments to the Clubhouse where you will be given a receipt.
Please do not send cash by post or drop it into the postbox at Meades Park.
Please make cheques payable to
Farncombe Youth FC.
Please write the player(s) age group and their name(s) on the reverse eg "14 Harrison".
Bank Transfer
FYFC's bank account details are below if you would like to pay by bank transfer or set up a regular payment yourself.
Please quote the player(s) age group and their name(s) as the payment reference eg "14 Harrison".
HSBC Bank plc
Sort Code 40-22-12
Account Number 71577425
Credit/Debit Card

Please bring your card to the Clubhouse. Your payment will be taken using PayPal Here.
Using the PayPal app or website, and following the on-screen instructions, please send your payment to the following email address,
In the ‘Email to recipient’ box, please quote the player(s) age group and name(s) as the reference eg "14 Harrison".
Standing Order
If you would like to pay by Standing Order over four months, please click here to download and print the form.
Once you have completed it please hand it back to the Treasurer or Secretary at the Clubhouse or at the Tuck Shop. Please do not send it to your bank as we need to add a reference so that payments received can be allocated to the correct player's records.